With Invisalign in Arlington Heights, You Can be Healthier and Happier

October 17, 2017

Young man wearing clear braces.Want to look more attractive? Then have your teeth straightened… But you probably already knew that a well-aligned smile looks better than a crooked one. Did you also know that a straight smile would make you look smarter, more successful and more popular? It’s true. There are studies to prove it! If you’re ready to improve your appearance, your oral health and your outlook on life, then consider Invisalign in Arlington Heights.

Your Smile Becomes You

It should come as no surprise that first impressions count. From what you wear to the style of your hair, your appearance is the basis for the way people initially judge you. According to a report in Dental Tribune, teeth are among the first features that people notice when they meet someone for the first time. In fact, approximately two-thirds of Americans remember attractive features more often than those they find distasteful.

Kelton, a market research consultancy, conducted an online perception study that contrasted pictures of men and women with straight and crooked teeth. There were 1,047 participants in the study, and they were asked to give their opinions about the people in the photographs. Participants were not told that they were comparing people with straight teeth vs. crooked teeth.

Results showed that people with straight teeth are perceived to be happier and more professionally successful than people with crooked teeth. Participants thought people with straight teeth to be:

  • 45 percent more likely to be hired for a job
  • 58 percent more likely to be successful
  • 58 percent more likely to be wealthy
  • 57 percent more likely to get a date
  • 21 percent more likely to be happy
  • 38 percent more likely to be smart
  • 73 percent more trustworthy

Give Yourself the Advantage of a Straight Smile

With Invisalign in Arlington Heights, you can give yourself all of the advantages that come with having a straight smile. Invisalign is an orthodontic system that uses clear plastic mouth trays to gradually move teeth into proper alignment. The trays are completely clear, making them far less noticeable than traditional orthodontic braces that require wearing metal brackets and wires.

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, Invisalign clear braces are also convenient because they are removable (Try doing that with standard metal braces!). Whenever you want to eat or brush and floss your teeth, all you have to do is remove the aligners. You can eat whatever you like without restrictions and maintain your normal oral hygiene routine.

Invisalign braces need to be worn for about 22 hours everyday. With this consistency, you can expect to complete your orthodontic treatment in less than two years. And then you’ll have a smile that is healthier and more beautiful!

Meet the Doctor

At Costello Dental, our doctors and their staff are fully dedicated to providing you and your family with a comprehensive menu of services. As cosmetic dentists in Arlington Heights, our doctors are skilled and experienced in creating beautiful smiles with Invisalign and other treatments. Call the office today.

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